The precision of repeated positioning is related to the safety of machine operation and the quality of cleaning

1.Kwunphi millimeter level repeated positioning accuracy improves cleaning quality and efficiency:

The high-precision positioning technology developed by Kwunphi can significantly improve the repeated positioning accuracy, allowing robots to cover each solar panel more accurately and finely, ensuring that there is no omission or repeated cleaning during the cleaning process. At the same time, it can also optimize the cleaning route, saving time and electricity resources. So as to improve the quality and efficiency of cleaning.

2.Eliminate the risk of falling and improve machine safety:

The improvement of millimeter level repetitive positioning accuracy of strange insects means that robots can be more reliable and stable in executing tasks. In a scenario where one person is responsible for multiple tasks, it is emphasized to ensure both cleaning efficiency and the safety of the machine itself. Millimeter level repeated positioning accuracy allows robots to maintain a safe distance in a timely manner when flying over the edge, eliminating the risk of accidents due to insufficient repeated positioning accuracy.

3.Develop industry precision standards for repeated positioning and lead industry progress together:

The repeated positioning accuracy of Kwunphi on an array of 2x50 components with an inclination angle of less than 20 degrees is ± 5mm, and the repeated positioning accuracy of four corner turns is ± 10mm. This high-level positioning accuracy enables Kwunphi to perform tasks in complex solar scenarios, ensuring high-quality, efficient, and safe cleaning operations. The industry highly praises and affirms Kwunphi.