Kwunphi millimeter sensing lightning response, cliff stalling to prevent falling

1.Feasibility of cleaning array edges:

The actual video demonstrated how Kwunphi easily and thoroughly cleaned the edges of the array, solving the cleaning problem of high-altitude array edges.

2.High precision positioning capability:

Kwunphi has high-precision positioning capability, ensuring real-time correction at the millisecond level on the surface of wet and slippery components, with a response speed 1000 times faster than humans.

3.Ultrasonic perception of airborne distance:

Kwunphi is equipped with eight ultrasonic sensors that can detect airborne distance. When any ultrasonic detects a danger in the air, the robot will promptly retreat to ensure safety.

4.Safety control for each millimeter:

Kwunphi is committed to ensuring the safety of every millimeter under its feet, achieving efficient and safe cleaning operations through advanced technology and sensors.

5.Deep learning data applications:

With the help of massive deep learning data, Kwunphi has become smarter and more knowledgeable about solar panels, enhancing her intelligence level in cleaning tasks.

Kwunphi, with its high level of intelligence and security, has solved the challenge of cleaning array edges and demonstrated outstanding performance in complex solar panel scenarios.