Deep learning camera has six ways to observe,Ultrasonic radar hearing in all directions

1.Reduce external impact:

The position of the car bottom is relatively low and may be less affected by the surrounding environment, such as wind, light, etc. , which helps to improve the stability and imaging quality of the camera.

2.Closer to the working surface:

The camera located under the car may be closer to the surface of the solar panel, which helps to obtain clearer and more accurate images. This is crucial for achieving high-quality semantic visual recognition and navigation

3.Protecting the camera:

The bottom of the car may be more susceptible to external object protection compared to other parts of the robot, avoiding direct contact between the camera and the surface of the solar panel, reducing potential damage or contamination.

Ultrasonic radar hearing in all directions

1.Eight ultrasonic sensors detect airborne distance: millisecond level perception of safe distance.